The hallmark of Rolfing is the Ten Series, a group of ten sessions that each focus on a particular region of connective tissue and structure. Each session builds upon the last and prepares the body for the next. (Not everyone is ready for a Ten Series or needs one. I discuss all options with my clients to ensure they have the Rolfing experience that best matches their goals.)
Receiving a Ten Series is different from coming in for a few sessions to address a complaint, as the entire body is systematically balanced. Due to this holistic approach, receiving a Ten Series with an emphasis on a particular injury can offer a profound “fix.” A good strategy is to try a single Rolfing® session or two, see how your body responds, and then decide whether a Ten Series is for you.
Some of the typical results reported by clients include: relief from chronic pain, improved posture and ease of movement, a stronger mind/body/spirit connection, and enhanced athletic performance.
SESSION ONE: The goal is to establish a more free, more balanced and efficient breathing pattern by working around the torso, shoulders, neck and head. In this session we will work to create more space (and less tension) around all the key joints in the upper body; including your neck, the vertebrae and ribs of your torso and in your arms and hands. We will also begin to address your specific structural issues or problems; a pattern that will continue throughout your series. We call the Principle that governs this session – Adaptability.
SESSION TWO:The goal is to create a more stable base of support for the upper body by working with the feet, lower legs and knees. This involves recognizing and addressing the alignment patterns that represent pain or stiffness and that stand in the way of achieving a neutral and beneficial relationship between the upper legs, hips and low back. We call this Principle – Support.
SESSION THREE: The goal is to enhance and balance the soft tissue forces that act on the shoulder blade and hip bone so that there is better front-to-back balance and better shoulder-to-hip balance. We call this Principle – The Unity of Opposition or Palintonicity.
SESSION FOUR: With this session (and the next two sessions) the goals of our work change from the Principles of “preparing-the-body-for-significant-structural-change” to the Principles of “Structural-Core-Changes”. The goal of this session is to establish core support from an inner line of the legs through the pelvic floor to the front of the spine. We begin to lengthen and ease the spinal curves and the relationship of the legs to the hips to the low back.
SESSION FIVE: The goal of this second “Core-Session” is to reduce the tensions that are present on the front side of the hips and those that attach to the front of the spine; especially those fascial restrictions (or soft tissue restrictions) that prevent neutral alignment relationships between the front of the legs, the front of the hips and pelvic floor and front of the abdominal area. This session continues to lengthen and ease the spinal curves in the back and address low back pain.
SESSION SIX: The goal of this third “Core-Session” is to free the back of the legs, pelvis and low back from restrictions that prevent neutral relationships between these components. We want to establish more freedom of movement and resilience in the whole spine through work around the back of the pelvis, legs, back, neck and shoulders.
SESSION SEVEN: The primary goal of this session is to address restrictions at the “Top-of-the Spine” and along the front of the neck. We will continue detailed work to free restrictions of the neck and cranium. We also work on the joints of the jaw and the alignment and movement relationships between the neck and shoulders.
SESSION EIGHT: The goal of this session is to address structural restrictions and movement relationships between the pelvic girdle and the spine and torso. Up till now we have focused a great deal on alignment relationships. With this session we ensure that movement relationships between the hips, legs and back are efficient, smooth and powerful.
SESSION NINE: The goal of this session is very much like the goal of the eighth session except we want to address structural restrictions and movement relationships between the shoulders and the spine, neck and torso.
SESSION TEN: The Ten-Series is designed to remodel and realign every part of your body; from your toes to your ears. It is based on an idea that it is possible to prepare the body for major structural change, make those structural changes and then to integrate those changes into your own movement patterns, daily life requirements and relationship(s) to your work and living environments. We use this session to ensure that we have addressed all of your individual problems and needs and that for one moment in time your internal balancing mechanisms experience true homeostasis. At this time, our last principle is one of “Closure”. We try to offer ways to take the changes into your daily lives and activities so that you will continue to improve and change over time.